Statistical sensitivity for detection of spatial and temporal patterns in rodent population densities. Parmenter, C. A., Yates, T. L., Parmenter, R. R., & Dunnum, J. L. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5:118–125, 1999.
  author = {Cheryl A. Parmenter and Terry L. Yates and Robert R. Parmenter and
	Jonathan L. Dunnum},
  title = {Statistical sensitivity for detection of spatial and temporal patterns
	in rodent population densities},
  journal = {Emerging Infectious Diseases},
  year = {1999},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {118--125},
  comment = {},
  file = {:Parmenteretal1999.pdf:PDF},
  owner = {Tiago},
  subdatabase = {distance},
  timestamp = {2008.12.05}

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