L'angiome à cellules littorales: une tumeur vasculaire rare de la rate [Littoral cell angioma: a rare vascular splenic tumor]. Parrens, M, Nouts, C, Belleanne, G, Dubus, P, Beylot, J, & de Mascarel, A Annales De Pathologie, 18(6):484–487, December, 1998.
L'angiome à cellules littorales: une tumeur vasculaire rare de la rate [Littoral cell angioma: a rare vascular splenic tumor] [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Littoral cell angioma is a rare primitive vascular tumor of the spleen considered as benign. Its clinical presentation is non specific. The diagnostic is based on histological and immunohistological analysis. The lesion is composed of anastomosing vascular channels often featuring papillary projections. They are lined by tumoral cells which exhibit an immunoreactivity for vascular and histiomonocytic markers. We report one case of littoral cell angioma and we discuss the diagnosis and the histogenesis of this tumor.
	title = {L'angiome à cellules littorales: une tumeur vasculaire rare de la rate [{Littoral} cell angioma: a rare vascular splenic tumor]},
	volume = {18},
	issn = {0242-6498},
	shorttitle = {[{Littoral} cell angioma},
	url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10051916},
	abstract = {Littoral cell angioma is a rare primitive vascular tumor of the spleen considered as benign. Its clinical presentation is non specific. The diagnostic is based on histological and immunohistological analysis. The lesion is composed of anastomosing vascular channels often featuring papillary projections. They are lined by tumoral cells which exhibit an immunoreactivity for vascular and histiomonocytic markers. We report one case of littoral cell angioma and we discuss the diagnosis and the histogenesis of this tumor.},
	number = {6},
	urldate = {2012-03-26},
	journal = {Annales De Pathologie},
	author = {Parrens, M and Nouts, C and Belleanne, G and Dubus, P and Beylot, J and de Mascarel, A},
	month = dec,
	year = {1998},
	pmid = {10051916},
	keywords = {Aged, Antigens, CD, Antigens, CD31, Antigens, Differentiation, Myelomonocytic, Factor VIII, Hemangioma, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Male, Spleen, Splenic Neoplasms, von Willebrand Factor},
	pages = {484--487},

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