Parameter-Free Elastic Deformation Approach for 2D and 3D Registration Using Prescribed Displacements. Peckar, W., Schnörr, C., Rohr, K., & Stiehl, H. J.~Math.~Imaging and Vision, 10(2):143–162, 1999.
  Title                    = {{P}arameter-{F}ree {E}lastic {D}eformation {A}pproach for 2{D} and 3{D} {R}egistration {U}sing {P}rescribed {D}isplacements},
  Author                   = {Peckar, W. and Schn{\"o}rr, C. and Rohr, K. and Stiehl, H.--S.},
  Journal                  = {J.~Math.~Imaging and Vision},
  Year                     = {1999},
  Number                   = {2},
  Pages                    = {143--162},
  Volume                   = {10}

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