Towards a different attitude to uncertainty. Pe'er, G., Mihoub, J., Dislich, C., & Matsinos, Y. Nature Conservation, 8:95–114, 2014.
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The ecological literature deals with uncertainty primarily from the$\$nperspective of how to reduce it to acceptable levels. However, the$\$ncurrent rapid and ubiquitous environmental changes, as well as$\$nanticipated rates of change, pose novel conditions and complex dynamics$\$ndue to which many sources of uncertainty are difficult or even$\$nimpossible to reduce. These include both uncertainty in knowledge$\$n(epistemic uncertainty) and societal responses to it. Under these$\$nconditions, an increasing number of studies ask how one can deal with$\$nuncertainty as it is. Here, we explore the question how to adopt an$\$noverall alternative attitude to uncertainty, which accepts or even$\$nembraces it. First, we show that seeking to reduce uncertainty may be$\$ncounterproductive under some circumstances. It may yield overconfidence,$\$nignoring early warning signs, policy- and societal stagnation, or$\$nirresponsible behaviour if personal certainty is offered by$\$nexternalization of environmental costs. We then demonstrate that$\$nuncertainty can have positive impacts by driving improvements in$\$nknowledge, promoting cautious action, contributing to keeping societies$\$nflexible and adaptable, enhancing awareness, support and involvement of$\$nthe public in nature conservation, and enhancing cooperation and$\$ncommunication. We discuss the risks of employing a certainty paradigm on$\$nuncertain knowledge, the potential benefits of adopting an alternative$\$nattitude to uncertainty, and the need to implement such an attitude$\$nacross scales - from adaptive management at the local scale, to the$\$nevolving Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and$\$nEcosystem Services (IPBES) at the global level.

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