Near Wall Structures In Turbulent Flows With Strong Thermo-Physical Property Variations. Peeters, J., W., R., Pecnik, R., Boersma, B., J., van der Hagen, T., H., J., J., & Rohde, M. In Proc. Ercoftac Workshop Direct Large-Eddy Simulation 10, 2015.
 title = {Near Wall Structures In Turbulent Flows With Strong Thermo-Physical Property Variations},
 type = {inproceedings},
 year = {2015},
 city = {Limassol, Cyprus LB  - Peeters_DLES10_2015},
 id = {9f2b9d7d-9cc2-3d34-9344-54f315da903a},
 created = {2018-06-29T18:31:09.327Z},
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 profile_id = {51877d5d-d7d5-3ec1-b62b-06c7d65c8430},
 group_id = {efaa6fc9-0da5-35aa-804a-48d291a7043f},
 last_modified = {2018-10-02T09:30:06.431Z},
 read = {false},
 starred = {false},
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 hidden = {false},
 citation_key = {Peeters2015},
 source_type = {CONF},
 private_publication = {false},
 bibtype = {inproceedings},
 author = {Peeters, J W R and Pecnik, R and Boersma, B J and van der Hagen, T H J J and Rohde, M},
 booktitle = {Proc. Ercoftac Workshop Direct Large-Eddy Simulation 10}

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