The neuronal composition of area 17 of rat visual cortex. IV. The organization of pyramidal cells. Peters, A. & Kara, D. J. Comp. Neurol., 260:573-590, 1987.
@article{ Peters_Kara87,
  author = {Peters, A. and Kara, D.A.},
  title = {The neuronal composition of area 17 of rat visual cortex. {IV.} {The}
	organization of pyramidal cells},
  journal = {J. Comp. Neurol.},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {260},
  pages = {573-590},
  bibsource = {Florentin:**** /Peters, A.; Kara, D.A. 0},
  en_number = { },
  keywords = {Cerebral cortex, dendritic clusters, apical dendrites, modular}

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