A Hybrid Control Architecture for Mobile Manipulation. Petersson, L., Egerstedt, M., & Christensen, H. In Proc. of International Robotics Symposium '99 – IROS, volume 3, pages 1285–1291, Korea, October, 1999. IEEE.
  address       = {Korea},
  author        = {L. Petersson and M. Egerstedt and H.I. Christensen},
  booktitle     = {Proc. of International Robotics Symposium '99 -- IROS},
  category      = {Conference},
  month         = oct,
  organization  = {IEEE},
  pages         = {1285--1291},
  pdf           = {hic-papers/iros-99-arch.pdf},
  title         = {A Hybrid Control Architecture for Mobile Manipulation},
  volume        = 3,
  year          = 1999

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