Comparison of influenza A virus inhibition in vitro by siRNA complexes with chitosan derivatives, polyethyleneimine and hybrid polyarginine-inorganic microcapsules. Petrova-Brodskaya, A., Bondarenko, A., Timin, A., Plotnikova, M., Afanas'Ev, M., Semenova, A., Lebedev, K., Gorshkov, A., Gorshkova, M., Egorov, V., Klotchenko, S., & Vasin, A. Voprosy Virusologii, 62(6):259-265, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina, 2017. cited By 0
Comparison of influenza A virus inhibition in vitro by siRNA complexes with chitosan derivatives, polyethyleneimine and hybrid polyarginine-inorganic microcapsules [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Anti-influenza drugs and vaccines have a limited effect due to the high mutation rate of virus genome. The direct impact on the conservative virus genome regions should significantly improve therapeutic effectiveness. The RNA interference mechanism (RNAi) is one of the modern approaches used to solve this problem. In this work, we have investigated the antiviral activity of small interfering RNA (siRNA) against the influenza A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), targeting conserved regions of NP and PA. Polycations were used for intracellular siRNA delivery: chitosan's derivatives (methylglycol and quaternized chitosan), polyethyleneimine, lipofectamine, and hybrid organic/non-organic microcapsules. A comparative study of these delivery systems with fluorescent labeled siRNA was conducted. The antiviral activity of three small interfering RNAs targeting the NP (NP-717, NP-1496) and PA (PA-1630) influenza A viruses genes was demonstrated, depending on the chosen carrier. The most effective intracellular delivery and antiviral activity were observed for hybrid microcapsules. © 2017 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved.
author={Petrova-Brodskaya, A.V. and Bondarenko, A.B. and Timin, A.S. and Plotnikova, M.A. and Afanas'Ev, M.V. and Semenova, A.A. and Lebedev, K.I. and Gorshkov, A.N. and Gorshkova, M.Yu. and Egorov, V.V. and Klotchenko, S.A. and Vasin, A.V.},
title={Comparison of influenza A virus inhibition in vitro by siRNA complexes with chitosan derivatives, polyethyleneimine and hybrid polyarginine-inorganic microcapsules},
journal={Voprosy Virusologii},
note={cited By 0},
affiliation={Laboratory of Intracellular Signaling and Transport, Research Institute of Influenza, St.-Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.-Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, St.-Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation; A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation; Institute of Cytology, St.-Petersburg, 194064, Russian Federation},
abstract={Anti-influenza drugs and vaccines have a limited effect due to the high mutation rate of virus genome. The direct impact on the conservative virus genome regions should significantly improve therapeutic effectiveness. The RNA interference mechanism (RNAi) is one of the modern approaches used to solve this problem. In this work, we have investigated the antiviral activity of small interfering RNA (siRNA) against the influenza A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), targeting conserved regions of NP and PA. Polycations were used for intracellular siRNA delivery: chitosan's derivatives (methylglycol and quaternized chitosan), polyethyleneimine, lipofectamine, and hybrid organic/non-organic microcapsules. A comparative study of these delivery systems with fluorescent labeled siRNA was conducted. The antiviral activity of three small interfering RNAs targeting the NP (NP-717, NP-1496) and PA (PA-1630) influenza A viruses genes was demonstrated, depending on the chosen carrier. The most effective intracellular delivery and antiviral activity were observed for hybrid microcapsules. © 2017 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved.},
author_keywords={Antiviral activity;  Chitosan;  Delivery systems;  Lipofectamine;  Microcapsules;  NP, PA, small interfering RNA (siRNA);  Polyeth-yleneimine},
correspondence_address1={Petrova-Brodskaya, A.V.; Laboratory of Intracellular Signaling and Transport, Research Institute of InfluenzaRussian Federation; email:},
publisher={Izdatel'stvo Meditsina},
abbrev_source_title={Vopr. Virusol.},

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