Insights into thermal resistance of proteins from the intrinsic stability of their α-helices. Petukhov, M., Kil, Y., Kuramitsu, S., & Lanzov, V. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 29(3):309-320, 1997. cited By 44
Insights into thermal resistance of proteins from the intrinsic stability of their α-helices [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
To investigate the role of u helices in protein thermostability, we compared energy characteristics of a helices from thermophilic and mesophilic proteins belonging to four protein families of known three-dimensional structure, for at least one member of each family. The changes in intrinsic free energy of α-helix formation were estimated using the statistical mechanical theory for describing helix/coil transitions in peptide helices [Munoz, V., Serrano, L. Nature Struc. Biol. 1:399-409, 1994; Munoz, V., Serrano, L. J. Mol. Biol. 245:275-296, 1995; Munoz, V., Serrano, L. J. Mol. Biol. 245:297-308, 1995]. Based on known sequences of mesophilic and thermophilic RecA proteins we found that (1) a high stability of a helices is necessary but is not a sufficient condition for thermostability of RecA proteins, (2) the total helix stability, rather than that of individual helices, is the factor determining protein thermostability, and (3) two facets of intrahelical interactions, the intrinsic helical propensities of amino acids and the side chainside chain interactions, are the main contributors to protein thermostability. Similar analysis applied to families of L-lactate dehydrogenases, seryl-tRNA synthetases, and aspartate amino transferases led us to conclude that an enhanced total stability of a helices is a general feature of many thermophilic proteins. The magnitude of the observed decrease in intrinsic free energy on α-helix formation of several thermoresistant proteins was found to be sufficient to explain the experimentally determined increase of their thermostability. Free energies of intrahelical interactions of different RecA proteins calculated at three temperatures that are thought to be close to its normal environmental conditions were found to be approximately equal. This indicates that certain flexibility of RecA protein structure is an essential factor for protein function. All RecA proteins analyzed fell into three temperature-dependent classes of similar α-helix stability (ΔG(int) = 45.0 ± 2.0 kcal/mol). These classes were consistent with the natural origin of the proteins. Based on the sequences of protein a helices with optimized arrangement of stabilizing interactions, a natural reserve of RecA protein thermoresistance was estimated to be sufficient for conformational stability of the protein at nearly 200°C.
author={Petukhov, M. and Kil, Y. and Kuramitsu, S. and Lanzov, V.},
title={Insights into thermal resistance of proteins from the intrinsic stability of their α-helices},
journal={Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics},
note={cited By 44},
affiliation={Pac. Inst. of Bioorganic Chemistry, RAS, Vladivostok, Russian Federation; Div. of Molec. and Radiat. Biophys., Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, RAS, Gatchina/St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan; Europ. Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany},
abstract={To investigate the role of u helices in protein thermostability, we compared energy characteristics of a helices from thermophilic and mesophilic proteins belonging to four protein families of known three-dimensional structure, for at least one member of each family. The changes in intrinsic free energy of α-helix formation were estimated using the statistical mechanical theory for describing helix/coil transitions in peptide helices [Munoz, V., Serrano, L. Nature Struc. Biol. 1:399-409, 1994; Munoz, V., Serrano, L. J. Mol. Biol. 245:275-296, 1995; Munoz, V., Serrano, L. J. Mol. Biol. 245:297-308, 1995]. Based on known sequences of mesophilic and thermophilic RecA proteins we found that (1) a high stability of a helices is necessary but is not a sufficient condition for thermostability of RecA proteins, (2) the total helix stability, rather than that of individual helices, is the factor determining protein thermostability, and (3) two facets of intrahelical interactions, the intrinsic helical propensities of amino acids and the side chainside chain interactions, are the main contributors to protein thermostability. Similar analysis applied to families of L-lactate dehydrogenases, seryl-tRNA synthetases, and aspartate amino transferases led us to conclude that an enhanced total stability of a helices is a general feature of many thermophilic proteins. The magnitude of the observed decrease in intrinsic free energy on α-helix formation of several thermoresistant proteins was found to be sufficient to explain the experimentally determined increase of their thermostability. Free energies of intrahelical interactions of different RecA proteins calculated at three temperatures that are thought to be close to its normal environmental conditions were found to be approximately equal. This indicates that certain flexibility of RecA protein structure is an essential factor for protein function. All RecA proteins analyzed fell into three temperature-dependent classes of similar α-helix stability (ΔG(int) = 45.0 ± 2.0 kcal/mol). These classes were consistent with the natural origin of the proteins. Based on the sequences of protein a helices with optimized arrangement of stabilizing interactions, a natural reserve of RecA protein thermoresistance was estimated to be sufficient for conformational stability of the protein at nearly 200°C.},
author_keywords={α-helix stability;  Aspartate aminotransferases;  L lactate dehydrogenases;  Protein thermostability;  RecA protein family;  Seryl-tRNA synthetases},
correspondence_address1={Petukhov, M.; European Molec. Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, Postfach 10.2209, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany},
abbrev_source_title={PROTEINS STRUCT. FUNCT. GENET.},

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