System Description: Twelf — A Meta-Logical Framework for Deductive Systems. Pfenning, F. & Schürmann, C. In Automated Deduction — CADE-16, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 202–206, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1999. Springer. ZSCC: NoCitationData[s0]
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Twelf is a meta-logical framework for the specification, implementation, and meta-theory of deductive systems from the theory of programming languages and logics. It relies on the LF type theory and the judgments-as-types methodology for specification [HHP93], a constraint logic programming interpreter for implementation [Pfe91], and the meta-logic M2 for reasoning about object languages encoded in LF [SP98]. It is a significant extension and complete reimplementation of the Elf system [Pfe94].Twelf is written in Standard ML and runs under SML of New Jersey and MLWorks on Unix and Window platforms. The current version (1.2) is distributed with a complete manual, example suites, a tutorial in the form of on-line lecture notes [Pfe], and an Emacs interface. Source and binary distributions are accessible via the Twelf home page\textasciitildetwelf.
	address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
	series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}},
	title = {System {Description}: {Twelf} — {A} {Meta}-{Logical} {Framework} for {Deductive} {Systems}},
	isbn = {978-3-540-48660-2},
	shorttitle = {System {Description}},
	doi = {10/d3h8pw},
	abstract = {Twelf is a meta-logical framework for the specification, implementation, and meta-theory of deductive systems from the theory of programming languages and logics. It relies on the LF type theory and the judgments-as-types methodology for specification [HHP93], a constraint logic programming interpreter for implementation [Pfe91], and the meta-logic M2 for reasoning about object languages encoded in LF [SP98]. It is a significant extension and complete reimplementation of the Elf system [Pfe94].Twelf is written in Standard ML and runs under SML of New Jersey and MLWorks on Unix and Window platforms. The current version (1.2) is distributed with a complete manual, example suites, a tutorial in the form of on-line lecture notes [Pfe], and an Emacs interface. Source and binary distributions are accessible via the Twelf home page{\textasciitilde}twelf.},
	language = {en},
	booktitle = {Automated {Deduction} — {CADE}-16},
	publisher = {Springer},
	author = {Pfenning, Frank and Schürmann, Carsten},
	editor = {Ganzinger, Harald},
	year = {1999},
	note = {ZSCC: NoCitationData[s0]},
	keywords = {Deductive System, Logic Program, Logic Programming, Object Language, Operational Semantic},
	pages = {202--206}

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