Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid as second messengers for presynaptic inhibition of Aplysia sensory cells. Piomelli, D., Volterra, A., Dale, N., Siegelbaum, S., Kandel, E., Schwartz, J., & Belardetti, F. Nature, 328:38-43, 1987.
@article{ Piomelli_etal87,
  author = {Piomelli, D. and Volterra, A. and Dale, N. and Siegelbaum, S.A. and
	Kandel, E.R. and Schwartz, J.H. and Belardetti, F.},
  title = {Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid as second messengers
	for presynaptic inhibition of Aplysia sensory cells},
  journal = {Nature},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {328},
  pages = {38-43},
  keywords = {piomellivolterra87, }

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