Efficacy of $\mbox{AIDSVAX}$ $\mbox{B/E}$ vaccines in injecting drug use. Pitisutithum, P In Eleventh Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 2004. San Francisco, CA, 2004. Abstract No. 107.
  author =          {Pitisutithum, P},
  title =          {Efficacy of $\mbox{AIDSVAX}$ $\mbox{B/E}$ vaccines in injecting drug use},
  booktitle =          {Eleventh Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =          {},
  OPTpages =          {},
  year =          {2004},
  OPTeditor =          {},
  OPTvolume =          {},
  OPTnumber =          {},
  OPTseries =          {},
  OPTaddress =          {},
  OPTmonth =          {},
  organization = {San Francisco, CA, 2004},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  note =          {Abstract No. 107.},
  OPTannote =          {}

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