Contes sanan du Burkina Faso: la fille caillou. Platiel, S. & Hong, C. J. L'??cole des loisirs, Paris, 2004. OCLC: 276929687
abstract   bibtex   
A collection of folk tales of the Samo people living in Burkina Faso.
	address = {Paris},
	title = {Contes sanan du {Burkina} {Faso}: la fille caillou},
	isbn = {978-2-211-07391-2},
	shorttitle = {Contes s?},
	abstract = {A collection of folk tales of the Samo people living in Burkina Faso.},
	language = {French},
	publisher = {L'??cole des loisirs},
	author = {Platiel, Suzy and Hong, Chen Jiang},
	year = {2004},
	note = {OCLC: 276929687},

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