Ecological characteristics of six important submediterranean tree species in Serbia. Popović, R., Kojić, M., & Karadžić, B. Bocconea, 5:431--438, 1997.
Ecological characteristics of six important submediterranean tree species in Serbia [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Through a study of the submediterranean woodland communities of Mt Maljen in C. Serbia, the distribution of six dominant tree species (Carpinus orientalis, Pinus nigra, Quercus frainetto, Q. cerris, Fraxinus ornus, and Ostrya carpin!folia) along gradients for four ecological parameters (light, moisture, soil acidity, and nitrogen concentration) was assessed by means of the method of weighted averaging, and the respective optima and tolerance ranges were obtained for each species. Integer values for the estimated opti ma were compared with Ellenberg's indicator values for the corresponding species, and such differences as were found are discussed. The results are apt to illustrate the ecological requirements of the various species and therefore show promise as an instrument to better pIan their reintroduction in disturbed and deforested areas

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