Testing a filtering strategy for systematic reviews: evaluating work savings and recall. Proescholdt, R., Hsiao, T., Schneider, J., Cohen, A. M, McDonagh, M. S, & Smalheiser, N. R In AMIA Informatics Summit 2022, 2022. author's version
  title={Testing a filtering strategy for systematic reviews: evaluating work savings and recall},
  author={Proescholdt, Randi and Hsiao, Tzu-Kun and Schneider, Jodi and Cohen, Aaron M and McDonagh, Marian S and Smalheiser, Neil R},
  booktitle={AMIA Informatics Summit 2022},
  note={<a href="http://jodischneider.com/pubs/amiainformaticssummit2022.pdf">author's version</a>}

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