PDFFIT, a program for full profile structural refinement of the atomic pair distribution function. Proffen, T. & Billinge, S. J. L. J. Appl. Crystallogr., 32:572--575, 1999. bibtex: proff;jac99 bibtex[nb=art, pdf, misc, hilite;facility=nsls, x7a;grant=cfmr, nsf-dmr97, doe97;wwwemail=sb2896@columbia.edu;wwwjour=http://journals.iucr.org./j/issues/1999/03/00/gl0603/gl0603.pdf]
PDFFIT, a program for full profile structural refinement of the atomic pair distribution function [link]Paper  bibtex   
	title = {{PDFFIT}, a program for full profile structural refinement of the atomic pair distribution function},
	volume = {32},
	url = {http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/billinge-group/programs/discus/pdffit.html},
	journal = {J. Appl. Crystallogr.},
	author = {Proffen, Th and Billinge, S. J. L.},
	year = {1999},
	note = {bibtex: proff;jac99 
bibtex[nb=art, pdf, misc, hilite;facility=nsls, x7a;grant=cfmr, nsf-dmr97, doe97;wwwemail=sb2896@columbia.edu;wwwjour=http://journals.iucr.org./j/issues/1999/03/00/gl0603/gl0603.pdf]},
	pages = {572--575}

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