Developmental changes in the linguistic brain after puberty. Proverbio, A. M. & Zani, A. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(4):164–167, 2005.
abstract   bibtex   
The development of reading skills is a complex and very long-lasting process. In an influential study Booth et al. demonstrated age-related changes in the activation of a network of left hemisphere regions, including the inferior frontal area, the superior temporal gyrus, and the angular gyrus. Interestingly, they found that the angular gyrus, which is involved in the mapping between phonological and orthographic representation, is automatically activated in adults during visual orthographic tasks not requiring this operation.
  author   = {Proverbio, Alice M. and Zani, Alberto},
  journal  = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
  title    = {Developmental changes in the linguistic brain after puberty},
  year     = {2005},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {164--167},
  volume   = {9},
  abstract = {The development of reading skills is a complex and very long-lasting
	process. In an influential study Booth et al. demonstrated age-related
	changes in the activation of a network of left hemisphere regions,
	including the inferior frontal area, the superior temporal gyrus,
	and the angular gyrus. Interestingly, they found that the angular
	gyrus, which is involved in the mapping between phonological and
	orthographic representation, is automatically activated in adults
	during visual orthographic tasks not requiring this operation.},

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