A Generalized Finite Element Method for discrete thin fibers embedded in a continuum. Radtke, F.&nbsp;K.<nbsp>F., Sluys, L.&nbsp;J., & Simone, A. In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Fracture - Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale -- ECF18, Dresden, Germany, 30 August -- 3 September, 2010. 7 pages on CD-ROM
@inproceedings{ radtke-ecf:2010,
  author = {F. K. F. Radtke and L. J. Sluys and A. Simone},
  title = {A Generalized Finite Element Method for discrete thin fibers embedded in a continuum},
  year = {2010},
  month = {30 August -- 3 September},
  note = {7 pages on CD-ROM},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Fracture - Fracture of Materials and Structures from
		  Micro to Macro Scale -- ECF18}},
  address = {Dresden, Germany},
  kind = {conference paper},
  tipo = {contributed}

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