Rage Against the Machine Clear: A Systematic Analysis of Machine Clears and Their Implications for Transient Execution Attacks. Ragab, H., Barberis, E., Bos, H., & Giuffrida, C. In USENIX Security, August, 2021. Distinguished Paper Award, Intel Bounty Reward, Mozilla Bounty Reward, Pwnie Award Nomination for Most Innovative Research, Pwnie Award Nomination for Best Privilege Escalation Bug, Pwnie Award Nomination for Best Client-Side Bug, Pwnie Award Nomination for Epic Achievement, DCSR Paper Award, CSAW Best Paper Award Runner-up
Rage Against the Machine Clear: A Systematic Analysis of Machine Clears and Their Implications for Transient Execution Attacks [pdf]Paper  Rage Against the Machine Clear: A Systematic Analysis of Machine Clears and Their Implications for Transient Execution Attacks [link]Web  Rage Against the Machine Clear: A Systematic Analysis of Machine Clears and Their Implications for Transient Execution Attacks [link]Code  bibtex   331 downloads  

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