Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for multiple points. Raichev, A. & Wilson, M. C. arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5715, 2010.
Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for multiple points [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   3 downloads  
Let $F(x)= ∑_{ν∈ℕ^d} F_ν x^ν$ be a multivariate power series with complex coefficients that converges in a neighborhood of the origin. Assume $F=G/H$ for some functions $G$ and $H$ holomorphic in a neighborhood of the origin. We derive asymptotics for the coefficients $F_{rα}$ as $r \to ∞$ with $rα ∈ ℕ^d$ for $α$ in a permissible subset of $d$-tuples of positive reals. More specifically, we give an algorithm for computing arbitrary terms of the asymptotic expansion for $F_{rα}$ when the asymptotics are controlled by a transverse multiple point of the analytic variety $H = 0$. This improves upon earlier work by R. Pemantle and M. C. Wilson. We have implemented our algorithm in Sage and apply it to obtain accurate numerical results for several rational combinatorial generating functions.
  title={Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for multiple points},
  author={Raichev, Alexander and Wilson, Mark C.},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5715},
  keywords={ACSV theory},
  abstract={Let $F(x)= \sum_{\nu\in\mathbb{N}^d} F_\nu x^\nu$ be a multivariate
power series with complex coefficients that converges in a neighborhood
of the origin. Assume $F=G/H$ for some functions $G$ and $H$ holomorphic
in a neighborhood of the origin. We derive asymptotics for the
coefficients $F_{r\alpha}$ as $r \to \infty$ with $r\alpha \in
\mathbb{N}^d$ for $\alpha$ in a permissible subset of $d$-tuples of
positive reals. More specifically, we give an algorithm for computing
arbitrary terms of the asymptotic expansion for $F_{r\alpha}$ when the
asymptotics are controlled by a transverse multiple point of the
analytic variety $H = 0$. This improves upon earlier work  by R.
Pemantle and M. C. Wilson. We have implemented our algorithm in Sage and
apply it to obtain accurate numerical results for several rational
combinatorial generating functions.}

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