Water Oxidizing Diruthenium Electrocatalysts Immobilized on Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of the Number and Positioning of Pyrene Anchors. Rajabi, S., Ebrahimi, F., Lole, G., Odrobina, J., Dechert, S., Jooss, C., & Meyer, F. ACS Catalysis, 10:10614–10626, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2020.
Water Oxidizing Diruthenium Electrocatalysts Immobilized on Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of the Number and Positioning of Pyrene Anchors [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
doi = {10.1021/acscatal.0c01577},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.0c01577},
year = 2020,
publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})},
volume = {10},
pages = {10614--10626},
author = {Sheida Rajabi and Fatemeh Ebrahimi and Gaurav Lole and Jann Odrobina and Sebastian Dechert and Christian Jooss and Franc Meyer},
title = {Water Oxidizing Diruthenium Electrocatalysts Immobilized on Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of the Number and Positioning of Pyrene Anchors},
journal = {{ACS} Catalysis}

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