MEET - Deliverable D.7.1. Open access decision support tool for optimal usage of geo thermal energy. Rajšl, I., Raos, S., & Bilić, T. Technical Report Deliverable D .7.1, 2019.
MEET - Deliverable D.7.1. Open access decision support tool for optimal usage of geo thermal energy [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Commercial exploitation of energy from medium and lowND PURPOSE temperature geothermal sources and economy of associated investment projects is very questionable at the moment. In order to help investors that are interested to these specific locations and also to boost later deliverables, namely D4.5, D7.2, D7.3 and D7.4. in scope of MEET project, it is crucial to develop satisfactory level of sup port that can be used for every site of interest and for different ways of geothermal energy exploitation that is mainly driven by features of available geothermal brine from one side and also needs for thermal energy and proximity of both heating and powe r consumption on the other hand. In the framework of the WP7 of the H2020 MEET project, entitled “ assessment for EGS integration into energy systems Economic and environmental ”, and Task 7.1: “ Development of Decision Making Support Tool for Optimal Usage o f Geothermal Energy” first deliverable (D7.1) is Open Access Decision Support Tool for Optimal Usage of Geothermal Energy, that combines technical, economic, environmental and social aspects of geothermal projects and therefore provides background for a co mprehensive assessment of EGS projects. It is designed in such a way that should enable investors to compare different approaches of geothermal energy usage and choose that with the best performance by integrating EGS into the electric and/or heat systems. Decision making support tool (DMT) can be used for obtaining economic criteria like IRR (Internal Rate of Return), LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) and NPV (Net Present Value). Most of the input parameters that can be exactly monetarized have an option, ei ther by default values or user specified, for associated costs input. Other parameters that are hard to monetarized, such as social acceptance, environmental aspects and others are taken into account in last stage of grading of specific EGS project using m ultiplecriteria decisionmaking (MCDM) approach that enables comparison between several approaches and/or different sites. MCDM also allows user specific attitudes (subjective goals) by putting different weights to specific influencing factors. The prepar ation, organization and structure of MEET project and associated partner consortium have allowed to switch focus from modelling and exploring the geothermal potential in different locations (that will be provided from different partners from other WPs and deliverables) to modelling above surface phenomena. In this way, a better approach to an asses energy transfer from its geothermal source to final users is allowed. There is still incorporated special module within DMT that can provide rough estimates on g eothermal potential (based on results from 6th Research and Development framework of the European Union project ENGINE) for those future users that do not possess those data or do not have better means of approximation. The m ain part of D7.1 is constrictions to the the tool itself that is mode l led in MATLAB and is provided without any public (especially research community). The other important part of D7.1 is this report that provides necessary explanations of used approaches, assumptions and description of applications and functions modelled and incorporated within DMT. This report will also provide manual, both for ‘only users’ of DMT and also ‘reusers’ or scientific public interested in further development and analysis of provided DMT model. Main steps and GUI interface features are intensively elaborated within the text. It is also important to mention that all functions in MATLAB are provided with basic explanations within lines of code, in order to help future researchers to better cope with code - standard knowledge transfer in scientific community.

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