The social basis of Roman power in Asia Minor. Ramsay, W. M. & Anderson, J. G. C. A.M. Hakkert, Amsterdam, 1967. OCLC: 455812
abstract   bibtex   
Central Library:
	address = {Amsterdam},
	title = {The social basis of {Roman} power in {Asia} {Minor}},
	abstract = {Central Library:\&context=L\&vid=01VAN\_INST:vanui\&search\_scope=MyInstitution\&tab=LibraryCatalog\&lang=en},
	language = {English},
	publisher = {A.M. Hakkert},
	author = {Ramsay, William Mitchell and Anderson, J. G. C.},
	year = {1967},
	note = {OCLC: 455812},
	keywords = {Antiquit�. Inscriptions latines, Asie mineure, Asie mineure. Gesellschaft. Nobilit�t. R�merzeit. Gesellschaft. Nobilit�t. R�merzeit. Genre/Form: History, Asie mineure. Inscriptions grecques, Asie mineure. Noblesse, Romans, Turkey. Inscriptions, Greek, Turkey. Inscriptions, Greek. Inscriptions, Latin. Romans. Romains, Turkey. Inscriptions, Latin}

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