Interaction Design in Television Voting: A Usability Study on Music TV and Input Devices. Riecke, R., Juers, A., & Chorianopoulos, K. In Tscheligi, M., Obrist, M., & Lugmayr, A., editors, Proceedings of the 6th European conference on Changing Television Environments, volume 5066, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 268–272, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Interaction Design in Television Voting: A Usability Study on Music TV and Input Devices [pdf]Paper  Interaction Design in Television Voting: A Usability Study on Music TV and Input Devices [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The aim of this work is to study the usability of voting on music TV channels. We asked subjects to perform a voting-task on two different music TV shows. The results indicate, that 1) there are small differences in acceptance and understanding of the voting-instructions between users and non-users, 2) the mobile phone is a familiar and the most preferred voting-device and 3) sociability features is a way to support the pricing model of voting services for entertainment applications in TV.

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