Coral Reef Monitoring Manual for the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Rogers, C., Garrison, G., Grober, R., Hillis, Z., & Franke, M. A. Technical Report Virgin Islands National Park, 1994.
abstract   bibtex   
find it necessary to refer to more detailed texts or to contact someone with more experience for guidance. Other manuals that provide guidance on coral reef monitoring procedures are listed in Part VI, "Information Sources." As new or improved methods evolve, they should replace or supplement those described in these pages; you may develop some useful modifications of your own. Although it's not realistic to expect all coral reef monitoring programs to use exactly the same techniques, this manual is intended to encourage the increasing standardization of methods which can assist with discussion and comparison of data throughout the region.
	title = {Coral {Reef} {Monitoring} {Manual} for the {Caribbean} and {Western} {Atlantic}},
	abstract = {find it necessary to refer to more detailed texts or to contact someone with more experience for guidance. Other manuals that provide guidance on coral reef monitoring procedures are listed in Part VI, "Information Sources." As new or improved methods evolve, they should replace or supplement those described in these pages; you may develop some useful modifications of your own. Although it's not realistic to expect all coral reef monitoring programs to use exactly the same techniques, this manual is intended to encourage the increasing standardization of methods which can assist with discussion and comparison of data throughout the region.},
	institution = {Virgin Islands National Park},
	author = {Rogers, Caroline and Garrison, G. and Grober, R. and Hillis, Zandy-Marie and Franke, Mary Ann},
	year = {1994},
	pmid = {1241},
	keywords = {microbes},
	pages = {114},

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