Stability and Degradation Mechanismof Si-based Photocathodes for Water Splitting with Ultrathin TiO2 Protection Layer. Ronge, E., Cottre, T., Welter, K., Smirnov, V., Ottinger, N. J., Finger, F., Kaiser, B., Jaegermann, W., & Jooss, C. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019.
Stability and Degradation Mechanismof Si-based Photocathodes for Water Splitting with Ultrathin TiO2 Protection Layer [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
doi = {10.1515/zpch-2019-1481},
url = {},
year = 2019,
publisher = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}},
volume = {0},
author = {Emanuel Ronge and Thorsten Cottre and Katharina Welter and Vladimir Smirnov and Natalie Jacqueline Ottinger and Friedhelm Finger and Bernhard Kaiser and Wolfram Jaegermann and Christian Jooss},
title = {Stability and Degradation Mechanismof Si-based Photocathodes for Water Splitting with Ultrathin {TiO}2 Protection Layer},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie}

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