Rebuilding Atlantic Cod: Lessons from a Spawning Ground in Coastal Newfoundland. Rose, G. A., Bradbury, I. R., deYoung , B., Fudge, S. B., Lawson, G. L., Mello, L. G. S., Robichaud, D., Sherwood, G., Snelgrove, P. V. R., & Windle, M. J. S. In Kruse, GH, Drinkwater, K, Ianelli, J., Link, J., Stram, D., & Wespestad, V, editors, RESILIENCY OF GADID STOCKS TO FISHING AND CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 24, of Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series, pages 197-219, UNIV ALASKA FAIRBANKS PO BOX 755040, FAIRBANKS, AK 99775-5040 USA, 2008. Alaska Sea Grant Coll Program; Univ Alaska Fishing & Climate Change, ALASKA SEA GRANT COLL PROGRAM. Symposium on Resiliency of Gadid Stocks to Fishing and Climate Change, Anchorage, AK, OCT 31-NOV 03, 2006
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was studied at the Bar Haven, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland (NAFO 3Ps stock unit) spawning ground from 1996 to 2003. Lessons applicable to management of rebuilding stocks derived from these studies are reviewed: (1) cod spawn in the same area each year, but numbers and timing vary (spawning biomass varied from 2,000 to 25,000 t, with timing protracted over at least 100 days); (2) courtship and spawning behavior is complex, and includes lekking, sound production, and vertical rituals; (3) large fish in good condition are necessary to large egg potential because fecundity increases exponentially with fish size-total egg potential varied considerably from year to year with spawning abundance, age changes, and mean liver condition in spawning females; (4) retention of early life stages did not explain local recruitment and rankings of annual densities of eggs, larvae and juveniles did not match with local recruitment during three years of study; (5) dispersal of early life stages, juveniles, and adults was density-dependent; (6) individual adults homed to the same spawning ground in sequential years, but others strayed; (7) egg potential was correlated with the return of adults to the spawning ground 4-5 years later (r(2) = 0.33, d.f. 3), and with recruitment to the full stock area (NAFO subdivision 3Ps) (r(2) = 0.96, d.f. 5), with only weak compensation in survival at low stock size; (8) fishing on spawning aggregations may harm reproductive potential; and (9) seasonal fisheries influence fishing mortality, commercial yield, and value. Management implications are discussed.
@inproceedings{ ISI:000268884500011,
Author = {Rose, G. A. and Bradbury, I. R. and deYoung, B. and Fudge, S. B. and
   Lawson, G. L. and Mello, L. G. S. and Robichaud, D. and Sherwood, G. and
   Snelgrove, P. V. R. and Windle, M. J. S.},
Editor = {{Kruse, GH and Drinkwater, K and Ianelli, JN and Link, JS and Stram, DL and Wespestad, V}},
Title = {{Rebuilding Atlantic Cod: Lessons from a Spawning Ground in Coastal
Series = {{Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series}},
Year = {{2008}},
Volume = {{24}},
Pages = {{197-219}},
Note = {{Symposium on Resiliency of Gadid Stocks to Fishing and Climate Change,
   Anchorage, AK, OCT 31-NOV 03, 2006}},
Organization = {{Alaska Sea Grant Coll Program; Univ Alaska Fishing \& Climate Change}},
Abstract = {{Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was studied at the Bar Haven, Placentia Bay,
   Newfoundland (NAFO 3Ps stock unit) spawning ground from 1996 to 2003.
   Lessons applicable to management of rebuilding stocks derived from these
   studies are reviewed: (1) cod spawn in the same area each year, but
   numbers and timing vary (spawning biomass varied from 2,000 to 25,000 t,
   with timing protracted over at least 100 days); (2) courtship and
   spawning behavior is complex, and includes lekking, sound production,
   and vertical rituals; (3) large fish in good condition are necessary to
   large egg potential because fecundity increases exponentially with fish
   size-total egg potential varied considerably from year to year with
   spawning abundance, age changes, and mean liver condition in spawning
   females; (4) retention of early life stages did not explain local
   recruitment and rankings of annual densities of eggs, larvae and
   juveniles did not match with local recruitment during three years of
   study; (5) dispersal of early life stages, juveniles, and adults was
   density-dependent; (6) individual adults homed to the same spawning
   ground in sequential years, but others strayed; (7) egg potential was
   correlated with the return of adults to the spawning ground 4-5 years
   later (r(2) = 0.33, d.f. 3), and with recruitment to the full stock area
   (NAFO subdivision 3Ps) (r(2) = 0.96, d.f. 5), with only weak
   compensation in survival at low stock size; (8) fishing on spawning
   aggregations may harm reproductive potential; and (9) seasonal fisheries
   influence fishing mortality, commercial yield, and value. Management
   implications are discussed.}},
Address = {{UNIV ALASKA FAIRBANKS PO BOX 755040, FAIRBANKS, AK 99775-5040 USA}},
Type = {{Proceedings Paper}},
Language = {{English}},
Affiliation = {{Rose, GA (Reprint Author), Mem Univ Newfoundland, Fisheries \& Marine Inst, Fisheries Conservat Grp, St John, NF, Canada.
   Rose, G. A.; Bradbury, I. R.; deYoung, B.; Fudge, S. B.; Lawson, G. L.; Mello, L. G. S.; Robichaud, D.; Sherwood, G.; Snelgrove, P. V. R.; Windle, M. J. S., Mem Univ Newfoundland, Fisheries \& Marine Inst, Fisheries Conservat Grp, St John, NF, Canada.}},
DOI = {{10.4027/rgsfcc.2008.11}},
ISBN = {{978-1-56612-126-2}},
Research-Areas = {{Fisheries}},
Web-of-Science-Categories  = {{Fisheries}},
Author-Email = {{}},
Number-of-Cited-References = {{41}},
Times-Cited = {{7}},
Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {{0}},
Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {{11}},
Doc-Delivery-Number = {{BKP66}},
Unique-ID = {{ISI:000268884500011}},
OA = {{No}},
DA = {{2017-08-17}},

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