Eight hours for what we will : workers and leisure in an industrial city, 1870-1920. Rosenzweig, R. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. 🏷️ /unread
	address = {Cambridge},
	series = {Interdisciplinary {Perspectives} on {Modern} {History}},
	title = {Eight hours for what we will : workers and leisure in an industrial city, 1870-1920},
	isbn = {978-0-521-23916-5},
	shorttitle = {八小时为我所用:1870-1920 年工业城市的工人与休闲},
	language = {en},
	publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	author = {Rosenzweig, Roy},
	year = {1983},
	note = {🏷️ /unread},
	keywords = {/unread},

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