The Effect of Sea Ice on Tidal Propagation in the Kitikmeot Sea, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Rotermund, L. M., Williams, W. J., Klymak, J. M., Wu, Y., Scharien, R. K., & Haas, C. J. Geophys. Res., American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2021.
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@Article{	  rotermunetal21,
  Author	= {Lina M. Rotermund and William J. Williams and Jody M.
		  Klymak and Yongsheng Wu and Randall K. Scharien and
		  Christian Haas},
  date-added	= {2021-06-08 18:12:58 -0700},
  date-modified	= {2021-06-10 16:49:30 -0700},
  DOI		= {10.1029/2020jc016786},
  jmkpubtype	= {refereed},
  Journal	= jgr,
  Keywords	= {jmkrefereed},
  Number	= {5},
  Publisher	= {American Geophysical Union ({AGU})},
  Title		= {The Effect of Sea Ice on Tidal Propagation in the
		  {Kitikmeot} {Sea}, {Canadian} {Arctic} {Archipelago}},
  Volume	= {126},
  Year		= 2021,
  bdsk-url-1	= {},
  bdsk-url-2	= {}

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