Inclusion, Exclusion and Marginality in the Book of Joshua. Rowlett, L. L. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 55:15--23, 1992.
abstract   bibtex   
Otherness = ethnical / geographical. Opposite pairs: (1) transjordian tribes / Gibeonites; (2) Achan / Rahab
	title = {Inclusion, {Exclusion} and {Marginality} in the {Book} of {Joshua}},
	volume = {55},
	abstract = {Otherness = ethnical / geographical.
Opposite pairs: (1) transjordian tribes / Gibeonites; (2) Achan / Rahab},
	journal = {Journal for the Study of the Old Testament},
	author = {Rowlett, Lori L.},
	year = {1992},
	keywords = {Prophètes antérieurs : Josué, Théologie de l'AT : Puissance},
	pages = {15--23}

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