On the spurious signal in the longitudinal nonlinear magnetic susceptibility of magnets at the second harmonic of the excitation frequency. Ryzhov, V., Larionov, I., & Fomichev, V. Technical Physics, 41(6):620-626, 1996. cited By 14
On the spurious signal in the longitudinal nonlinear magnetic susceptibility of magnets at the second harmonic of the excitation frequency [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The physical nature of the spurious signal that limits the sensitivity in measurements of the longitudinal nonlinear response of magnets at the second harmonic of the magnetization in the radio-frequency region is elucidated. Its cause is the presence of magnetic impurities (Ni, Fe, oxides of Fe) in the constituent materials of the rf elements of the excitation and detection modes of the two-frequency resonance system of the apparatus. An experimental apparatus is described for which the spurious signal is suppressed to the level of the thermal noise of the detector in a detection band Δf=1 kHz, and the sensitivity achieved is close to the theoretical. The maximum amount of magnetic impurities that can be present in the working volume of the ac magnetic field coil without preventing the attainment of this sensitivity is found to be mNimax≃0.6×10-12 g, mFemax≃2.5×10-12 g, and moxmax≃0.9×10-6 g at Δf=1 Hz. The high sensitivity to these impurities shows that this method can be used as a sensitive and inexpensive means of real-time monitoring for them in pure materials. It is shown that the given apparatus can be used to study the homogeneous dynamic magnetic susceptibility of La2CuO4+δ - a member of a new class of high-Tc superconductors which do not have an observable EPR signal from the copper magnetic system. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.
author={Ryzhov, V.A. and Larionov, I.I. and Fomichev, V.N.},
title={On the spurious signal in the longitudinal nonlinear magnetic susceptibility of magnets at the second harmonic of the excitation frequency},
journal={Technical Physics},
note={cited By 14},
affiliation={B. P. Konstantinov St. Petersburg I., Russian Academy of Sciences, Gatchina, Leningrad District, Russian Federation},
abstract={The physical nature of the spurious signal that limits the sensitivity in measurements of the longitudinal nonlinear response of magnets at the second harmonic of the magnetization in the radio-frequency region is elucidated. Its cause is the presence of magnetic impurities (Ni, Fe, oxides of Fe) in the constituent materials of the rf elements of the excitation and detection modes of the two-frequency resonance system of the apparatus. An experimental apparatus is described for which the spurious signal is suppressed to the level of the thermal noise of the detector in a detection band Δf=1 kHz, and the sensitivity achieved is close to the theoretical. The maximum amount of magnetic impurities that can be present in the working volume of the ac magnetic field coil without preventing the attainment of this sensitivity is found to be mNimax≃0.6×10-12 g, mFemax≃2.5×10-12 g, and moxmax≃0.9×10-6 g at Δf=1 Hz. The high sensitivity to these impurities shows that this method can be used as a sensitive and inexpensive means of real-time monitoring for them in pure materials. It is shown that the given apparatus can be used to study the homogeneous dynamic magnetic susceptibility of La2CuO4+δ - a member of a new class of high-Tc superconductors which do not have an observable EPR signal from the copper magnetic system. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.},
correspondence_address1={Ryzhov, V.A.; B. P. Konstantinov St. Petersburg I., Russian Academy of Sciences, Gatchina, Leningrad District, Russian Federation},
abbrev_source_title={Tech. Phys.},

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