Magnetic phase transition and clustered state in Ca-doped lanthanum cobaltite and manganite with insulator ground states. Ryzhov, V., Lazuta, A., Khavronin, V., Molkanov, P., & Mukovskii, Y. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 2014. cited By 2
Magnetic phase transition and clustered state in Ca-doped lanthanum cobaltite and manganite with insulator ground states. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The transport and magnetic properties (ac linear and nonlinear (second and third orders) susceptibilities) are presented for La0.8Ca 0.2MnO3 and La0.8Ca0.2CoO 3 single crystals with insulator ground states. The ferromagnetic (FM) clusters with similar magnetic characteristics originate in the paramagnetic phases of both compounds below some temperature T*. At high temperatures the FM clusters arise at the preferable sites that can be attributed to the chemical inhomogeneities, their density being weakly T-dependent. On cooling a homogeneous nucleation of the FM clusters develops below a definite temperature T# that is characterized by a fast growth of their density. These two stages are observed in both compounds. At the third stage a coalescence of the FM clusters starts in the doped cobaltite, whereas in the manganite the development of matrix FM ordering occurs which changes a cluster's behavior. The indicated features support the common nature of the cluster state in the doped cobaltite and manganite. The difference in their evolution is a consequence of the different magnetic properties of the matrices in the manganite and cobaltite. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.
author={Ryzhov, V.A. and Lazuta, A.V. and Khavronin, V.P. and Molkanov, P.L. and Mukovskii, Ya.M.},
title={Magnetic phase transition and clustered state in Ca-doped lanthanum cobaltite and manganite with insulator ground states.},
journal={Journal of Physics Condensed Matter},
note={cited By 2},
affiliation={Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute', Orlova Coppice, Gatchina 188300, Russian Federation; National Research and Technology University 'Misis', Leninskii Prospekt 4, Moscow 119049, Russian Federation},
abstract={The transport and magnetic properties (ac linear and nonlinear (second and third orders) susceptibilities) are presented for La0.8Ca 0.2MnO3 and La0.8Ca0.2CoO 3 single crystals with insulator ground states. The ferromagnetic (FM) clusters with similar magnetic characteristics originate in the paramagnetic phases of both compounds below some temperature T*. At high temperatures the FM clusters arise at the preferable sites that can be attributed to the chemical inhomogeneities, their density being weakly T-dependent. On cooling a homogeneous nucleation of the FM clusters develops below a definite temperature T# that is characterized by a fast growth of their density. These two stages are observed in both compounds. At the third stage a coalescence of the FM clusters starts in the doped cobaltite, whereas in the manganite the development of matrix FM ordering occurs which changes a cluster's behavior. The indicated features support the common nature of the cluster state in the doped cobaltite and manganite. The difference in their evolution is a consequence of the different magnetic properties of the matrices in the manganite and cobaltite. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.},
author_keywords={magnetic phase separation;  magnetic phase transitions;  response to ac field-linear and nonlinear susceptibilities;  transition metal oxides},
correspondence_address1={Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute', Orlova Coppice, Gatchina 188300, Russian Federation},
abbrev_source_title={J Phys Condens Matter},

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