Apparatus for production of modulated electron beam in electromagnet gap of EPR spectrometer for study of radiation chemical reactions in aqueous solutions. Ryzhov, V., Solov'ev, V., Turutin, V., & Fromichev, V. Instruments and experimental techniques New York, 31(3 pt 2):772-775, 1988. cited By 0
Apparatus for production of modulated electron beam in electromagnet gap of EPR spectrometer for study of radiation chemical reactions in aqueous solutions [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
An apparatus for production of an electron beam with an energy of 80 keV in the electromagnet gap of an EPR spectrometer is described. A beam 12 mm in diameter is used to irradiate aqueous solutions in a balanced spin-induction resonator. The electrons are totally absorbed in the specimen and do not reach the resonator, which gets rid of electron current and ionization of the air in the resonator and reduces resonator Q and spurious frequency modulation. The dose absorbed in the working chamber reaches 670 krd/sec for a beam current of ≈40μA. The modulator forms a 100% modulated beam. The beam-current rise and fall times are 20 nsec. The pulse repetition frequency can be varied from 0 to 10 MHz, which allows both stationary and kinetic experiments to be performed.
author={Ryzhov, V.A. and Solov'ev, V.A. and Turutin, V.V. and Fromichev, V.N.},
title={Apparatus for production of modulated electron beam in electromagnet gap of EPR spectrometer for study of radiation chemical reactions in aqueous solutions},
journal={Instruments and experimental techniques New York},
number={3 pt 2},
note={cited By 0},
affiliation={Acad of Sciences of the USSR, Russian Federation},
abstract={An apparatus for production of an electron beam with an energy of 80 keV in the electromagnet gap of an EPR spectrometer is described. A beam 12 mm in diameter is used to irradiate aqueous solutions in a balanced spin-induction resonator. The electrons are totally absorbed in the specimen and do not reach the resonator, which gets rid of electron current and ionization of the air in the resonator and reduces resonator Q and spurious frequency modulation. The dose absorbed in the working chamber reaches 670 krd/sec for a beam current of ≈40μA. The modulator forms a 100% modulated beam. The beam-current rise and fall times are 20 nsec. The pulse repetition frequency can be varied from 0 to 10 MHz, which allows both stationary and kinetic experiments to be performed.},
correspondence_address1={Ryzhov, V.A.; Acad of Sciences of the USSRRussian Federation},
abbrev_source_title={Instrum Exp Tech},

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