Dermal Sensory Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface for Reestablishing Sensory Nerve Feedback in Peripheral Afferents in the Rat. Sando, I. C., Adidharma, W., Nedic, A., Ursu, D. C., Mays, E. A., Hu, Y., Kubiak, C. A., Sugg, K. B., Kung, T. A., Cederna, P. S., Gerling, G. J., Kemp, S. W., & Urbanchek, M. G. 2022.
  author = {Ian C. Sando and Widya Adidharma and Andrej Nedic and Daniel C. Ursu and Elizabeth A. Mays and Yaxi Hu and Carrie A. Kubiak and Kristoffer B. Sugg and Theodore A. Kung and Paul S. Cederna and Gregory J. Gerling and Stephen W.P. Kemp and Melanie G. Urbanchek},
  title = {Dermal Sensory Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface for Reestablishing Sensory Nerve Feedback in Peripheral Afferents in the Rat},
  year = {2022}

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