Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z\textasciitilde1.3. The marginal role of the environment and the relevance of the galaxy central regions. Saracco, P., Gargiulo, A., Ciocca, F., & Marchesini, D. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597:A122, January, 2017. arXiv: 1609.06726
Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z\textasciitilde1.3. The marginal role of the environment and the relevance of the galaxy central regions [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We compared the properties of 56 elliptical galaxies selected from three clusters at \$1.2{\textless}z{\textless}1.4\$ with those of field galaxies in the GOODS-S (\textasciitilde30), COSMOS (\textasciitilde180) and CANDELS (\textasciitilde220) fields. We studied the relationships among effective radius, surface brightness, stellar mass, stellar mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{Re\}\$ and central mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}\$ within 1 kpc radius. We find that cluster ellipticals do not differ from field ellipticals: they share the same structural parameters at fixed mass and the same scaling relations. On the other hand, the population of field ellipticals at \$z{\textbackslash}sim1.3\$ shows a significant lack of massive (\$M_*{\textgreater} 2{\textbackslash}times 10{\textasciicircum}\{11\}\$ M\$_{\textbackslash}odot\$) and large (R\$_e {\textgreater} 4-5\$ kpc) ellipticals with respect to the cluster. Nonetheless, at \$M*{\textless}2{\textbackslash}times 10{\textasciicircum}\{11\}\$ M\$_{\textbackslash}odot\$, the two populations are similar. The size-mass relation of ellipticals at z\textasciitilde1.3 defines two different regimes, above and below a transition mass \$m_t{\textbackslash}sim 2-3{\textbackslash}times10{\textasciicircum}\{10\}\$ M\$_{\textbackslash}odot\$: at lower masses the relation is nearly flat (R\$_e{\textbackslash}propto M_*{\textasciicircum}\{-0.1{\textbackslash}pm 0.2\}\$), the mean radius is constant at \textasciitilde1 kpc and \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{Re\}{\textbackslash}sim {\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}\$ while, at larger masses, the relation is R\$_e{\textbackslash}propto M*{\textasciicircum}\{0.64{\textbackslash}pm0.09\}\$. The transition mass marks the mass at which galaxies reach the maximum \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{Re\}\$. Also the \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}\$-mass relation follows two different regimes, \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}{\textbackslash}propto M*{\textasciicircum}\{0.64{\textbackslash} {\textgreater}m_t\}_\{1.07{\textbackslash} {\textless}m_t\}\$, defining a transition mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}{\textbackslash}sim 2-3{\textbackslash}times10{\textasciicircum}3\$ M\$_{\textbackslash}odot\$ pc\${\textasciicircum}\{-2\}\$. The mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{Re\}\$ does not correlate with mass, dense/compact galaxies can be assembled over a wide mass regime, independently of the environment. The central mass density, \${\textbackslash}Sigma_\{1kpc\}\$, besides to be correlated with the mass, is correlated to the age of the stellar population: the higher the central stellar mass density, the higher the mass, the older the age of the stellar population. [Abridged]
	title = {Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z{\textasciitilde}1.3. {The} marginal role of the environment and the relevance of the galaxy central regions},
	volume = {597},
	issn = {0004-6361, 1432-0746},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201628866},
	abstract = {We compared the properties of 56 elliptical galaxies selected from three clusters at \$1.2{\textless}z{\textless}1.4\$ with those of field galaxies in the GOODS-S ({\textasciitilde}30), COSMOS ({\textasciitilde}180) and CANDELS ({\textasciitilde}220) fields. We studied the relationships among effective radius, surface brightness, stellar mass, stellar mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{Re\}\$ and central mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}\$ within 1 kpc radius. We find that cluster ellipticals do not differ from field ellipticals: they share the same structural parameters at fixed mass and the same scaling relations. On the other hand, the population of field ellipticals at \$z{\textbackslash}sim1.3\$ shows a significant lack of massive (\$M\_*{\textgreater} 2{\textbackslash}times 10{\textasciicircum}\{11\}\$ M\$\_{\textbackslash}odot\$) and large (R\$\_e {\textgreater} 4-5\$ kpc) ellipticals with respect to the cluster. Nonetheless, at \$M*{\textless}2{\textbackslash}times 10{\textasciicircum}\{11\}\$ M\$\_{\textbackslash}odot\$, the two populations are similar. The size-mass relation of ellipticals at z{\textasciitilde}1.3 defines two different regimes, above and below a transition mass \$m\_t{\textbackslash}sim 2-3{\textbackslash}times10{\textasciicircum}\{10\}\$ M\$\_{\textbackslash}odot\$: at lower masses the relation is nearly flat (R\$\_e{\textbackslash}propto M\_*{\textasciicircum}\{-0.1{\textbackslash}pm 0.2\}\$), the mean radius is constant at {\textasciitilde}1 kpc and \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{Re\}{\textbackslash}sim {\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}\$ while, at larger masses, the relation is R\$\_e{\textbackslash}propto M*{\textasciicircum}\{0.64{\textbackslash}pm0.09\}\$. The transition mass marks the mass at which galaxies reach the maximum \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{Re\}\$. Also the \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}\$-mass relation follows two different regimes, \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}{\textbackslash}propto M*{\textasciicircum}\{0.64{\textbackslash} {\textgreater}m\_t\}\_\{1.07{\textbackslash} {\textless}m\_t\}\$, defining a transition mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}{\textbackslash}sim 2-3{\textbackslash}times10{\textasciicircum}3\$ M\$\_{\textbackslash}odot\$ pc\${\textasciicircum}\{-2\}\$. The mass density \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{Re\}\$ does not correlate with mass, dense/compact galaxies can be assembled over a wide mass regime, independently of the environment. The central mass density, \${\textbackslash}Sigma\_\{1kpc\}\$, besides to be correlated with the mass, is correlated to the age of the stellar population: the higher the central stellar mass density, the higher the mass, the older the age of the stellar population. [Abridged]},
	journal = {Astronomy \& Astrophysics},
	author = {Saracco, P. and Gargiulo, A. and Ciocca, F. and Marchesini, D.},
	month = jan,
	year = {2017},
	note = {arXiv: 1609.06726},
	keywords = {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies},
	pages = {A122},

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