Using HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to Projection-Map Moving Objects in 3D Space: A Playful Participatory Artwork. Sargeant, B., Mueller, F. '., & Dwyer, J. In Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, of CHI PLAY '17 Extended Abstracts, pages 1–11, New York, NY, USA, 2017. Association for Computing Machinery. event-place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Using HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to Projection-Map Moving Objects in 3D Space: A Playful Participatory Artwork [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We present the first public exhibition that uses HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to projection-map moving objects in real-time in 3D space. Our case study is an exhibition of the media artwork "The Playground". During this exhibition we involved the public. They found small sculptural pieces that were hidden in public areas, they brought these pieces to an exhibition space and connected them onto a central sculpture. People could also take a photo of their city environment and upload it to a webpage. When a person entered the exhibition space our system projected this person's photo onto the small sculptural piece that was in their hand. Our system tracked and projected onto this piece as it moved around an exhibition area. All of the public's photos were also projection-mapped onto a co-created central sculpture. Our contribution benefits designers, artists and researchers who want to make playful experiences that involve projection-mapping moving objects in real-time in 3D physical space using relatively inexpensive, easily accessible tools.
	address = {New York, NY, USA},
	series = {{CHI} {PLAY} '17 {Extended} {Abstracts}},
	title = {Using {HTC} {Vive} and {TouchDesigner} to {Projection}-{Map} {Moving} {Objects} in {3D} {Space}: {A} {Playful} {Participatory} {Artwork}},
	isbn = {978-1-4503-5111-9},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1145/3130859.3131427},
	abstract = {We present the first public exhibition that uses HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to projection-map moving objects in real-time in 3D space. Our case study is an exhibition of the media artwork "The Playground". During this exhibition we involved the public. They found small sculptural pieces that were hidden in public areas, they brought these pieces to an exhibition space and connected them onto a central sculpture. People could also take a photo of their city environment and upload it to a webpage. When a person entered the exhibition space our system projected this person's photo onto the small sculptural piece that was in their hand. Our system tracked and projected onto this piece as it moved around an exhibition area. All of the public's photos were also projection-mapped onto a co-created central sculpture. Our contribution benefits designers, artists and researchers who want to make playful experiences that involve projection-mapping moving objects in real-time in 3D physical space using relatively inexpensive, easily accessible tools.},
	booktitle = {Extended {Abstracts} {Publication} of the {Annual} {Symposium} on {Computer}-{Human} {Interaction} in {Play}},
	publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
	author = {Sargeant, Betty and Mueller, Florian 'Floyd' and Dwyer, Justin},
	year = {2017},
	note = {event-place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
	keywords = {HTC vive, art, digital art, geocaching, movement tracking, participatory art, play, projection mapping, tangible interaction, touchdesigner},
	pages = {1--11},

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