Flight testing of Real-Time Convex Optimization Based Guidance Algorithm G-FOLD - Guidance for Fuel Optimal Large Divert. Scharf$†ger$, D. P, Dueri*, D., \bf Açıkmeşe, Behçet, Benito$†ger$, J., & Casoliva$†ger$, J. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2017. \newline http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.G000399
	Author = {Scharf$\dagger$, Daniel P and Dueri*, Daniel and {\bf A{\c{c}}{\i}kme{\c{s}}e, Beh{\c{c}}et}     and Benito$\dagger$, Joel and Casoliva$\dagger$, Jordi},
	Journal = {{AIAA} Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
	number = {40},
	pages = {213--229},
	Title = {Flight testing of Real-Time Convex Optimization Based Guidance Algorithm {G-FOLD} - Guidance for Fuel Optimal Large Divert},
	note = {\newline http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.G000399},
	Year = {2017}}

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