Microstructures of YSZ and CGO Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis: Influence of Processing Parameters on the Porosity. Scherrer, B., Martynczuk, J., Galinski, H., Grolig, J., Binder, S., Bieberle-Hütter, A., Rupp, J., Prestat, M., & Gauckler, L. Advanced Functional Materials, 22(16):3509-3518, Wiley, May, 2012.
doi  bibtex   
  author    = {Scherrer, B. and Martynczuk, J. and Galinski, H. and Grolig, J.G. and Binder, S. and Bieberle-Hütter, A. and Rupp, J.L.M. and Prestat, M. and Gauckler, L.J.},
  journal   = {Advanced Functional Materials},
  title     = {Microstructures of YSZ and CGO Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis: Influence of Processing Parameters on the Porosity},
  year      = {2012},
  issn      = {1616-3028},
  month     = may,
  number    = {16},
  pages     = {3509-3518},
  volume    = {22},
  doi       = {10.1002/adfm.201200454},
  publisher = {Wiley},

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