7th Retreat of the Graduate School Computational Engineering. Schäfer, M. Seeheim, Germany, March, 2017.
@Booklet{         Schafer_2017aa,
  address       = {Seeheim, Germany},
  author        = {Schäfer, Michael},
  booktitle     = {7th Retreat of the Graduate School Computational Engineering},
  citable       = {0},
  day           = {21},
  editor        = {Schäfer, Michael},
  group         = {gsce},
  internal      = {1},
  langid        = {english},
  month         = mar,
  publisher     = {Technische Universität Darmstadt},
  title         = {7th Retreat of the Graduate School Computational Engineering},
  year          = {2017}

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