Uncertainty quantification for thermo-convective Poiseuille flow using stochastic collocation. Schieche, B. & Lang, J. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2014.
@Article{         Schieche_2014aa,
  author        = {Schieche, Bettina and Lang, Jens},
  file          = {Schieche_2014aa.pdf},
  journal       = {International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering},
  keywords      = {uq,pde,collocation},
  langid        = {english},
  pubstate      = {To appear},
  title         = {Uncertainty quantification for thermo-convective Poiseuille flow using stochastic collocation},
  year          = {2014},
  shortjournal  = {IJCSE}

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