SPHERE/ZIMPOL: Characterization of the ZIMPOL PSF. Schmid, J., Milli, J., Girard, J., Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J., & SPHERE Team In ESO Calibration Workshop: The Second Generation VLT Instruments and Friends, pages 31, September, 2017.
doi  bibtex   
       author = {{Schmid}, J.~M. and {Milli}, Julien and {Girard}, J.~H. and {Mouillet}, D. and {Beuzit}, J.~L. and {SPHERE Team}},
        title = "{SPHERE/ZIMPOL: Characterization of the ZIMPOL PSF}",
     keywords = {Zenodo community calibration2017},
    booktitle = {ESO Calibration Workshop: The Second Generation VLT Instruments and Friends},
         year = 2017,
        month = sep,
          eid = {31},
        pages = {31},
          doi = {10.5281/zenodo.887281},
       adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017sgvi.confE..31S},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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