Implementation strategies for hyperspectral unmixing using Bayesian source separation. Schmidt, F., Guiheneuf, M., Moussaoui, S., Tréguier, E., Schmidt, A., & Dobigeon, N. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(11):4003–4013, Nov., 2010. bibtex @Article{Schmidt_IEEE_Trans_GRS_2010,
author = {F. Schmidt and M. Guiheneuf and S. Moussaoui and E. Tr\'eguier and A. Schmidt and N. Dobigeon},
title = {Implementation strategies for hyperspectral unmixing using {B}ayesian source separation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
year = 2010,
month = {Nov.},
volume = {48},
number = {11},
pages = {4003--4013},
webpage = {},
type = {International journals},