Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0 (Second Edition). Schneider, J., Kamiya, T., Peintner, D., & Kyusakov, R. World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-exi-20140211, February, 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
This document is the specification of the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format. EXI is a very compact representation for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Information Set that is intended to simultaneously optimize performance and the utilization of computational resources. The EXI format uses a hybrid approach drawn from the information and formal language theories, plus practical techniques verified by measurements, for entropy encoding XML information. Using a relatively simple algorithm, which is amenable to fast and compact implementation, and a small set of datatype representations, it reliably produces efficient encodings of XML event streams. The grammar production system and format definition of EXI are presented.
@misc{ exi2nd,
  author = {John Schneider and Takuki Kamiya and Daniel Peintner and Rumen Kyusakov},
  title = {Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0 (Second Edition)},
  howpublished = {World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-exi-20140211},
  month = {February},
  year = {2014},
  topic = {exi[1]},
  uri = {http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-exi-20140211},
  updates = {exi},
  abstract = {This document is the specification of the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format. EXI is a very compact representation for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Information Set that is intended to simultaneously optimize performance and the utilization of computational resources. The EXI format uses a hybrid approach drawn from the information and formal language theories, plus practical techniques verified by measurements, for entropy encoding XML information. Using a relatively simple algorithm, which is amenable to fast and compact implementation, and a small set of datatype representations, it reliably produces efficient encodings of XML event streams. The grammar production system and format definition of EXI are presented.}

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