Die totale Transparenz. Facebook, Cookies, RFID etc. Schöttle, P. & Böhme, R. In Dabrowski, M., Wolf, J., & Abmeier, K., editors, Ethische Herausforderungen im Web 2.0, pages 11-31, Paderborn, 2014. Schöningh.
	Address = {Paderborn},
	Author = {Sch{\"o}ttle, Pascal and B{\"o}hme, Rainer},
	Booktitle = {Ethische Herausforderungen im Web 2.0},
	Date-Added = {2015-04-09 22:44:24 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2016-07-05 13:40:39 +0000},
	Editor = {Dabrowski, Martin and Wolf, Judith and Abmeier, Karlies},
	Pages = {11-31},
	Publisher = {Sch{\"o}ningh},
	Title = {Die totale {T}ransparenz. {F}acebook, {C}ookies, {RFID} etc.},
	Year = {2014}}

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