Sidgwick, Henry. Schultz, B. In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, pages 1–10. American Cancer Society, 2017.
Sidgwick, Henry [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900) spent his entire collegiate and professional life at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1883 as Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy. As an undergraduate, he had been elected to the “Apostles,” the secret but influential Cambridge discussion society; allegiance to this group and the free and open inquiry for which it stood helped form his philosophical outlook. The 1860s, which he described as his years of religious “storm and stress” when he lost his Anglican faith, were also the years in which his identity as an academic liberal took shape, and he got caught up in fighting for better and broader educational opportunities, greater academic professionalism, and wider religious freedom. He famously resigned his fellowship in 1869 because he could not in good conscience subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England.
	title = {Sidgwick, {Henry}},
	isbn = {978-1-4443-6707-2},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900) spent his entire collegiate and professional life at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1883 as Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy. As an undergraduate, he had been elected to the “Apostles,” the secret but influential Cambridge discussion society; allegiance to this group and the free and open inquiry for which it stood helped form his philosophical outlook. The 1860s, which he described as his years of religious “storm and stress” when he lost his Anglican faith, were also the years in which his identity as an academic liberal took shape, and he got caught up in fighting for better and broader educational opportunities, greater academic professionalism, and wider religious freedom. He famously resigned his fellowship in 1869 because he could not in good conscience subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2018-06-24},
	booktitle = {International {Encyclopedia} of {Ethics}},
	publisher = {American Cancer Society},
	author = {Schultz, Bart},
	year = {2017},
	doi = {10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee320.pub2},
	keywords = {G. E. Moore, Jeremy Bentham, John Rawls, John Stuart Mill, W. D. Ross, William Whewell, egoism, intuitionism, utilitarianism},
	pages = {1--10},

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