High diet overlap between native small-bodied fishes and nonnative fathead minnow in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. Seegert, S. E Z., Rosi-Marshall, E. J, Baxter, C. V, Kennedy, T. A, Hall Jr, R. O, & Cross, W. F Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 143(4):1072–1083, 2014.
	title = {High diet overlap between native small-bodied fishes and nonnative fathead minnow in the {Colorado} {River}, {Grand} {Canyon}, {Arizona}},
	volume = {143},
	issn = {0002-8487},
	number = {4},
	journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society},
	author = {Seegert, Sarah E Zahn and Rosi-Marshall, Emma J and Baxter, Colden V and Kennedy, Theodore A and Hall Jr, Robert O and Cross, Wyatt F},
	year = {2014},
	pages = {1072--1083},

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