Generic Parallel Patterns in Lime. Sekerinski, E. & Zhang, T. Technical Report McMaster University, November, 2014.
Generic Parallel Patterns in Lime [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   3 downloads  
Lime is a heterogeneous computing language currently being developed at IBM Research1 [Auerbach et al., 2010]. It is designed to be executable across a broad range of architectures, including CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. The novel features of Lime include limiting side-effects and integration of the streaming paradigm into an object- oriented language. Lime extends Java 1.6 as specified by [Gosling et al., 2005]. A design pattern is a reusable solution for a category of problems [Gamma et al., 1995]. Design patterns offer software developers a repertoire of proven solutions that can be tailored for needs. They are highly popular for object-oriented programming and are being used for concurrent and parallel programming. In this document we present a Lime generic implementation of nine parallel design patterns2. The first seven patterns, namely fork-join, parallel generator, map, recurrence, stencil, reduction and scan, are taken from [McCool et al., 2012] except parallel generator (which is a variation of fork-join). The last two patterns, namely “divide and conquer differently” and “divide and conquer”, the latter one being a special case of the former one, are extracted from various applications. We divide the package into three parts: “common”, which defines patterns and operations that are used by other packages; “testcases”, which includes simple examples that can be used for testing the Lime environment; “examples”, which consists of practical problems that can be solved using the generic patterns.

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