Efficacy of Seren@ctif, a Computer-Based Stress Management Program for Patients With Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety: Protocol for a Controlled Trial. Servant D, Leterme AC, Barasino O, Rougegrez L, Duhamel A, & Vaiva G J. Med. Internet Res., 2017.
doi  bibtex   
title = {Efficacy of Seren@ctif, a Computer-Based Stress Management Program for Patients With Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety: Protocol for a Controlled Trial},
volume = {19},
issn = {1438-8871},
DOI = {10.2196/resprot.7976},
Language = {English},
Journal = {J. Med. Internet Res.},
author = {{Servant D} and {Leterme AC} and {Barasino O} and {Rougegrez L} and {Duhamel A} and {Vaiva G}},
year = {2017},

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