The comparative. Seuren, P. A. M. In Kiefer, F. & Ruwet, N., editors, Generative grammar in Europe, of Foundations of Language, Supplementary Series, pages 528–564. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973.
	address = {Dordrecht},
	series = {Foundations of {Language}, {Supplementary} {Series}},
	title = {The comparative},
	isbn = {978-90-277-0218-0},
	language = {eng ger},
	number = {13},
	booktitle = {Generative grammar in {Europe}},
	publisher = {D. Reidel},
	author = {Seuren, Pieter A. M.},
	editor = {Kiefer, F. and Ruwet, N.},
	year = {1973},
	keywords = {Double comparatives, Europa, Europe, Generative grammar, Investigación, Linguistics, Lingüística, Research, Taller than what he is},
	pages = {528--564},

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