Mesh-free two-phase modelling of highly-dynamic sediment transport. Shakibaeinia, A. & Jafari-Nodoushan, E. In pages 236 - 243, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2017. Advection-diffusion equation;Empirical relations;Interfacial deformations;Mesh-free particle methods;Sediment-water system;Submarine landslides;Two-phase modelling;Visco-plastic fluids;
abstract   bibtex   
Conventional numerical methods for the simulation of sediment transport solve single-phase hydrodynamics and advection-diffusion equations in combination with the empirical relations. These simplified methods are not capable of dealing with the highly-dynamic sediment movements which often induced by highly-erosive flows (e.g., floods) or powerful outer forces (e.g., landslides). Two-phase methods have recently proven their potential for such sediment flow problems. Among them the multiphase mesh-free particle methods provide a unique opportunity for the simulation of large interfacial deformations and fragmentations involved in two-phase sediment-water system. This article briefly overviews example applications of a multiphase mesh-free particle model for two-phase flow of water and sediments in different configurations. The model treats the sediment material as a continuum (a visco-plastic fluid) whose behaviour is predicted using a stress-dependent Theological model. The model is validated and applied for highly-dynamic movement of sediments in cases such as submarine landslide and sediment erosion. The results of this study, evaluate the capabilities of mesh-free particle methods for complex sediment transport problems and provide a more thorough understanding of their complex mechanism and processes.
© 23rd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Held as part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017. All rights reserved.
@inproceedings{20191006591533 ,
language = {English},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Mesh-free two-phase modelling of highly-dynamic sediment transport},
journal = {23rd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Held as part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017},
author = {Shakibaeinia, Ahmad and Jafari-Nodoushan, Ehsan},
year = {2017},
pages = {236 - 243},
address = {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
abstract = {Conventional numerical methods for the simulation of sediment transport solve single-phase hydrodynamics and advection-diffusion equations in combination with the empirical relations. These simplified methods are not capable of dealing with the highly-dynamic sediment movements which often induced by highly-erosive flows (e.g., floods) or powerful outer forces (e.g., landslides). Two-phase methods have recently proven their potential for such sediment flow problems. Among them the multiphase mesh-free particle methods provide a unique opportunity for the simulation of large interfacial deformations and fragmentations involved in two-phase sediment-water system. This article briefly overviews example applications of a multiphase mesh-free particle model for two-phase flow of water and sediments in different configurations. The model treats the sediment material as a continuum (a visco-plastic fluid) whose behaviour is predicted using a stress-dependent Theological model. The model is validated and applied for highly-dynamic movement of sediments in cases such as submarine landslide and sediment erosion. The results of this study, evaluate the capabilities of mesh-free particle methods for complex sediment transport problems and provide a more thorough understanding of their complex mechanism and processes.<br/> &copy; 23rd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Held as part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017. All rights reserved.},
key = {Sediment transport},
keywords = {Landslides;Mesh generation;Advection;Numerical methods;Sedimentation;Two phase flow;},
note = {Advection-diffusion equation;Empirical relations;Interfacial deformations;Mesh-free particle methods;Sediment-water system;Submarine landslides;Two-phase modelling;Visco-plastic fluids;},

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